Monday, February 28, 2022

TMIY - Redefining Positive Masculinity

The modern man appears to have his life figured out. At his disposal is unlimited information, but he’s still ill-informed of the ways of men. He is constantly bombarded with conflicting advice on masculinity that expose him to numerous modern challenges. Fortunately, several not-for-profits exist to guide him through the unique challenges and temptations of the modern world. One such initiative is That Man Is You (TMIY).

TMIY draws from teachings of the Catholic faith and evidence-based practices to address the unique challenges facing modern men. It gives men the tools to transform themselves into authentically masculine men capable of leading their families and communities.

In a world devoid of authentic masculinity, where men are required to “man up,” a disconnect exists between what is expected of them and what they are realistically capable of. Men are expected to fit into a narrow set of traditional roles, the “act like a man box.”

The man box outlines the “rules” for being a man, including not showing emotions, fear or anxiety, acting tough and in control, and shunning deep conversations. But these hard-and-fast rules rob men of their ability to establish an authentic connection with themselves and others.

The man box culture thrives on misconceptions, lies, half-truths, and a lack of guidance. The modern man is extremely connected. At his disposal are vast networks and unlimited resources. Yet, he is often more isolated and misinformed than ever. Everyone: celebrities, social media influencers, family, and friends are trying to shape him in a particular manner.

They tell him drowning his sorrows in liquor, and not confiding in others about them, is the manly thing to do. They shame him for not manning up, for not fitting into the man box. They then turn around and call him a misogynist for displaying masculine traits.

Armed with the knowledge that vices like pornography hurt men and families, TMIY helps men avoid its pitfalls, holding the hands of those who have fallen victims to it. The group's science-backed lessons teach men that it sucks their life energy, impacting their productivity and harming their sex life.

The misconceptions surrounding masculinity today blur the line between positive masculinity and toxic masculinity, making the war against the latter hard to win. What it means to be a man today is naturally different from what it meant 50 years ago.

TMIY shows the modern man the right way. It demystifies the myths and misconceptions that threaten to lead men astray, not just from their families and societies but also from God.

TMIY shows men the way to positive masculinity. Men learn how to process and express their emotions and connect and empathize, all skills that determine the depth of their relationships with others.

The group also encourages men to have deeper conversations with others. It tells men that it’s okay to talk about sports or cars, as like-minded men connect through such talk.

There’s a sweeping shift regarding what is considered masculine. TMIY recognizes that times have changed. It then incorporates religious faith and science into its programs, providing men with actionable, proven ways to be fully alive, not to walk through life blindfolded. Rather than dish out dos and don’ts of masculinity, TMIY provides men with an evidence-based framework to break free from the man box.

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